
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Inside The Mouse Castle 11-04-2014 - Fire on the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, Disney Movies Anywhere and the Walt Disney Family Museum

It was a hot time in the old mine Saturday night. Stray embers from a firework at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom set fire to a building in the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. The blaze was quickly put out and there were no injuries but the video we saw made it look anything but minor.

Here are some of the other scorchin' topics Anthony and I take on in this edition of Inside The Mouse Castle:
  • Halloween has come and gone at the Disney parks, which means they're leapfrogging Thanksgiving and going straight to Christmas. We've got our likes and dislikes inside the berms this holiday season.
  • Disney Movies Anywhere, once an Apple-only app is now available on Google Play and Android devices. By cross-platforming, Disney has turned DMA into a must-have app.
Tom Hiddleston as Loki
  • There are more Marvel rumors to speculate on and get excited about: Tom Hiddleston will be in Avengers: Age of Ultron as Loki and Jessica Chastain might be Captain Marvel in 2018.
  • We're pretty sure Star Wars: Episode VII has wrapped filming in London. Can a teaser trailer for the December 2015 release be far away?
  • There are two new exhibitions opening at the Walt Disney Family Museum in November. All Aboard: A Celebration of Walt's Trains opens November 12th and The Lost Notebook opens November 26th. Get thee to San Francisco.

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