
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Mouse Castle Lounge 05-29-2018 - Artist Denise Chamberlain Talks About Mary Blair

EDITOR'S NOTE: After posting this interview with Denise Chamberlain, I was contacted by Mary Blair's niece, Maggie Richardson, contesting information in the interview. In an e-mail, Maggie told me Denise is not a blood relation of Mary Blair, never met her, and does not represent the Blair family. I contacted Denise for comment, and she confirmed her relationship to Mary was through Denise's uncle, who married Mary's niece, Jeanne, when Denise was a child. Denise still contends that when she was young, she met Mary at various parties and family functions, and still considers Mary her "great aunt," even if not by blood.

Not clarifying Denise's actual relationship to Mary Blair in the interview was an oversight on my part and I apologize for the confusion. Maggie has asked me to delete the podcast and all related materials due to the inaccuracies she is claiming. I have declined,

What follows is the podcast's show notes as originally posted.

Denise Chamberlain
To say Denise Chamberlain has art in her blood…is a pretty accurate statement. Her great aunt, Mary Blair, is a Disney Legend whose distinct artistic style influenced classic Disney animated films like Cinderella, Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland as well as perhaps her most famous work, the Disney park attraction It’s a Small World.

Growing up, Denise got to know Aunt Mary and continues to feel her influence even now, 40 years after Mary’s death. Denise is a successful painter and muralist whose work can be seen throughout Colorado and via her website at She joins us today to share stories about Mary Blair and talk about the impact art has had on her life. Denise Chamberlain is Tim's guest today in The Mouse Castle Lounge.


Denise in front of her outdoor mural, The Spirit of Niwot.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Mouse Castle Lounge 05-16-2018 - Jungle Cruise Skipper Stories with David Marley

Doctor Skipper David Marley
David Marley is a historian with a PhD from George Washington University, but that's not important today. What matters is for four years he was a Jungle Cruise skipper at Disneyland! In 2016, he wrote Skipper Stories: True Tales From Disneyland’s Jungle Cruise, which contains dozens of interviews with fellow skips past and present. It's an insightful and often very funny look at one of Disneyland’s most popular attractions. The book has proven so popular that volume two of Skipper Stories will be out later this year.

David is going to share some of those stories with us today, so remain seated and keep your hands and arms inside the boat at all times. And don’t worry about that tiger that can jump over 20 feet. We’re 19 feet away—he’ll pass right over us. David Marley is Tim's guest today in The Mouse Castle Lounge.


Skipper Stories is available on Amazon and Theme Park Press.

Subscribe to The Mouse Castle Lounge on Google PlayiTunes and Stitcher.


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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Mouse Castle Lounge 05-08-2018 - We Found Singer Tammy Tuckey on Main Street

Tammy Tuckey
Tammy Tuckey is living the dream. Tammy is a singer, actress and lifelong Disney fan who has just recorded and produced a musical album called You'll Find Me On Main Street. a collection of Tammy's favorite songs from Walt Disney World. It's an eclectic mix of tunes ranging from "Two Brothers" from The American Adventure to "Tomorrow's Child" from Spaceship Earth to "The Great Outdoors" from The County Bear Jamboree Vacation Hoedown. Tammy has a great voice and an obvious love of the material. The passion she brings to the project makes You'll Find Me On Main Street the Disney cover album you need to download right now.

Recording the album gave Tammy the opportunity to work with some of the original artists who created the songs for Disney. They include singer Ali Olmo ("Two Brothers"), fiddler Byron Berline ("The Great Outdoors") and the vocal group Sounds of Blackness ("Celebrate the Future Hand in Hand"). In The Mouse Castle Lounge today, Tammy talks with Tim about what it was like to make the album, what songs you can and can't get permission from Disney to record, and what it takes to get Bob Iger's attention.


 You'll Find Me On Main Street

Find out more about Tammy at and The Tiara Talk Show.


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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Mouse Castle Lounge 05-01-2018 - The Return of The Mouse Castle Lounge with Disney Historian Jim Korkis

Jim Korkis and Friend
The Mouse Castle Lounge is back! We’ve pulled the dust covers off the furniture and restocked the bar. And Tim is happy to welcome back a good friend of The Mouse Castle Lounge. Tim's guest is a prolific author, especially when it comes to Disney history. His books include The Vault of Walt series, The Secret Stories of Walt Disney World series, Who’s Afraid of the Song of the South and The Book of Mouse. His latest book is Call Me Walt: Everything You Never Knew About Walt Disney. Ladies and gentlemen of Team Mouse Castle, we’re back! So please welcome our guest, Jim Korkis, to The Mouse Castle Lounge.


Books by Jim Korkis are available from Amazon and Theme Park Press.


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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Mouse Castle Lounge Returns May 1!!!

We're back, baby!


One week from today, The Mouse Castle Lounge reopens! We're taking the dust covers off the furniture, restocking the bar and kicking the doors open as we welcome back our good friend, Disney historian and author Jim Korkis. He's the first of our terrific lineup of guests dropping by the Lounge in May. We hope you can join us!

May 1 - Jim Korkis, Disney historian and author; Call Me Walt, The Vault of Walt series.
May 8 - Tammy Tuckey, singer, actress and podcaster; You'll Find Me on Main Street.
May 15 - David Marley, historian, author and former Jungle Cruise skipper; Skipper Stories.
May 22 - Denise Chamberlain, artist, great-niece of Disney Legend Mary Blair.

Watch for more MCL news coming soon!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Hello?...Is This Thing Still On?

In our last episode...

Woody and Bullseye jumped across the Grand Canyon! Will they make it in time to save Jessie and Stinky Pete?!?

Wait...that's not it.

Oh yeah, I quit podcasting. It was about a year and I half ago. And wow, I just listened to the last episode. Damn, it's depressing. Sounds like I'm never coming back.


Hey, I did define the length of my departure as "for the foreseeable future." Welcome to the future, kids.

And by that I mean The Mouse Castle Lounge is coming back!

It's time.

When I shut the doors to the MCL in November 2016, I was embarking on a new, full-time career as a professional voice actor. And after months of hard work, I'm proud to announce...I'm still not where I want to be--but I'm making progress and having the time of my life! You can see a lot of what I've been up to on my voice over website at

One milestone I have reached is being satisfied enough with my career efforts to return to podcasting, not only as an extension of my VO work, but also for the sheer fun of it. You know I love Disney and have always been thrilled to talk with so many creative folks within the Disney arena. As much as I love the world of VO, hardly a day goes by that I don't miss getting my Disney fix and sharing it with you.

So this week I got to work. E-mails were sent, conversations were had and appointments were made. Specific details are still being ironed out, but you can expect the first episode of the new Mouse Castle Lounge by the end of this month! I'll keep you up to date via this blog and our various social media channels (which are still hanging in there). I'm super excited to reopen the MCL and I hope you are too!

Which brings up one more thing: while my VO career continues to make strides, the term "struggling voice actor" is still not entirely foreign to me. And as podcasting costs money, I'm generating some cash flow by selling items from my personal Disney collection. The first pieces are listed here and I'll be adding more later. Please take a look and send me a message if you see something you like. I've enjoyed owning these pieces and it would please me greatly to see them in the hands of true Disney fans like you.

Also, if you have a company, organization or product in need of a mature, energetic, conversational voice, I know a guy.